Sunday, May 16, 2010

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The Trip & The Plan

Well, we did it. We have purchased tickets to India. I have wanted to go for about ten years, and my dream is coming true in the best way possible - with my husband and daughter. We fly out of Chicago on July 3rd into Thiravananthapuram. We will spend the night there, and then go by taxi to the Amritapuri ashram where we will be staying for our six weeks in India.

While there, I will be working on a research project for my MS at Creighton University. I will be studying how music is taught to young children in the school system. I am very excited to get my hands on some field work.

We have been preparing. We have had our shots, got our malaria prescription filled, and are now making the necessary preparations. We are all excited, and have only 26 days before we fly!